AI106 is an Air India flight from Newark (EWR) to Delhi (DEL). The scheduled time of departure for AI106 from Newark (EWR) is **11:15 EST** and the scheduled time of arrival in Delhi (DEL) is **11:15 IST**. The duration of the flight according to the live flight status is **13 Hours 30 Minutes**. The flight departs from Newark (EWR) Airport’s Terminal B and arrives at Delhi (DEL) Airport’s Terminal 3.
AI106 is an Air India flight. On average, 4 Air India Newark to Delhi flights fly in a week from Monday to Friday on a Boeing 777-300ER (twin-jet). The AI 106 flight take off from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) and enters Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). The total time taken by AI 106 Newark to Delhi flight is 12 hours 59 minutes, covering an aerial distance of 11,786 km.
Get up-to-date information on the AI 106 flight route with the current changes happening in its schedule (if any). Booking your flights to India from USA with us can land you to several other services as well including 24-hour customer support and real-time updates on AI 106 flight status. Monitor all the status updates for your one-way and round-trip from Delhi to Newark AI 105 flight.
The AI 102 seat map comprises a 3-class classification dividing 342 seats in total. There are 303 standard seats in Economy class. 35 flatbeds in Business Class, and 4 flatbeds in First Class category. From front to the end, the aircraft is bounded by 10 emergency exits. The Air India flights are loaded with a plethora of inflight services that AI 102 passengers can make the most of such as free meals and beverages, and watch unlimited videos.
Disclaimer: Plan your next getaway with MyTicketsToIndia and enjoy easy flight booking services with instant confirmation and the latest updates on your flight status. From helping plan your itinerary for cheap air tickets to India from USA to keep you informed about AI 106 flight status, our travel experts can guide you with the best. Reach out to us via call or live chat and travel with ease.
MyTicketstToIndia takes no guarantee of the accuracy of any such information related to AI 106 flight status that claims any financial liability directly or indirectly. We hereby disclaim all responsibilities with regards to the information provided on AI 106 flight status. However, we make our best efforts to provide you with the correct details on flight status but unfavorable circumstances can lead to changes.
A: On average, Newark to Delhi flights can take around 12 hours and 29 minutes to reach the required destination.
A: Around 4 AI 106 Newark to Delhi flights are operated in a week.
A: The AI 106 flight can be expected to get delayed by 113 minutes i.e 1.8 hours.
A: The other names of AI 106 Newark to Delhi flight are AIC 106, AI0106, AI 106, AIC 106, AI 0106, Newark to Delhi AI106, and Air India AI102.
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