AI127 is an Air India flight from Delhi (DEL) to Chicago (ORD). The scheduled time of departure for AI127 from Delhi (DEL) is **02:30 IST** and the scheduled time of arrival in Chicago (ORD) is **06:30 CST**. The duration of the flight according to the live flight status is **15 Hours 30 Minutes**. The flight departs from Delhi (DEL) Airport’s Terminal 3 and arrives at Chicago (ORD) Airport’s Terminal 5.
Air India 127 is an Air India flight from Delhi to Chicago that operates daily and uses Boeing B777-300 planes. The flight connects Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) with Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport (ORD). Covering a distance of 12,034.69 km (7,433.41 mi.), AI 0127 flight route takes an average time of 15 hr 8 min.
For specific details on the AI 127 flight route, we have this space solely dedicated to helping passengers keep a track of AI0127 flight delays and cancellations. Be it Air India Delhi to Chicago arrival time or departure status, track AI 127 and get the latest information on real-time flight status.
**Track the live status of round-trip Chicago to Delhi AI 126 flight here.
The seat map for AI 127 is as follows – 4 flat-bed seats in First Class, 35 flat-bed seats in Business Class, and 303 standard seats in Economy Class. In its 3-class configuration seating, Air India 127 Delhi to Chicago flight has a total of 342 seats.
Disclaimer : Please note that the AI 127 flight status provided here is for informative purposes only. While the accuracy of Air India flight status AI 127 is to the best of our knowledge, MyTicketsToIndia takes no responsibility for any circumstances arising as a result of relying on the given AI 127 status.
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A: Delhi to Chicago AI127 flight takes around 15 hours to reach its destination.
A: Air India operates 7 AI127 flights in a week i.e. once daily from Monday to Sunday.
A: The average delay of Air India 127 is 228 minutes or 3.8 hours.
A: The other names through which AI127 can be referenced are AI0127, AIC127, AI 127, AIC 127, AI 0127, Delhi to Chicago AI127, and Air India AI127.
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