For most airfares purchased online, Shipra travels recommended booking service fee is approximately $28 per person on all passenger type tickets for both domestic and international travel. This fee may vary and is subject to change without notice. Total final price reflected is the actual amount to be paid which already includes any updated fees and discounts. You have the right to not make the purchase if the total amount is not acceptable.
Billing: Your credit card maybe billed in multiple charges not exceeding the total amount. All transaction service fees are 100% non-refundable.
Service Fees – No representations are made for the service fees charged. It is only for Site usage and booking creation. No representations are made for service fees charged for booking through our call center and those fees may be higher. There are no representations or warranties except for using our call center agent’s assistance in searching various airfares and other travel products and making the booking. All types of service fees may change at any time and the most updated fees may not be reflected here.
Most of our airline tickets are 100% non-refundable*. In certain cases where the airline may allow cancellations, a credit may be valid towards a future ticket purchase by the same traveller with travel on the same airline. An applicable penalty and a fare difference (if any), will be added in these cases. Usually the credit issued by the airline supplier is valid with time constraints and a specific expiration date and should be discussed with a customer service agent. All such bookings where the cancellation may be permitted must be cancelled prior to the scheduled departure time of the first flight segment by calling our customer service centre.
We do not guarantee any cancellation. A cancellation fee,as specified by the agent must be paid to us at the time of cancelling the booking; we retain this fee. The credit will be held for a limited time period, please ask the customer service agent for the specific date by when you must use this credit or you will lose the credit amount. When you are ready to make the new booking, you will have to the pay fare difference (if any), applicable airline penalties for that fare and Shipra travels exchange fees.
All such changes are governed by the airlines’ rules and regulations and are out of our control. Shipra travels does not provide any representations or guarantees on changes or fees. If you are cancelling the booking and applying for a refund please read our Refunds Policy. Read more about our Change Policy if you wish to exchange the tickets for new dates or routing.
No additional representation is made for our exchange fees except that an agent will assist you in locating your desired new flights and attempt to re-book the new flights based on availability and other factors.
*Some refunds on tickets are also dependent on the policies(Fare Rules) of the Airlines applicable on the time of booking.
You are responsible for complying with each airline’s terms and conditions, which may differ (for example, check-in times and limits on baggage size/weight). It is advisable you print your outbound and return portions of your e-ticket confirmation for all flights prior to travelling. You may be asked for proof of your return ticket at check-in.
Most of our airline tickets, hotels, pre-paid car rentals, vacation packages and service fees are non-refundable. All cancellations must be done over the phone only. We can accept refund requests only if the following conditions have been met:
We are unable to provide a specific time line for how long it may take for this requested refund to be processed. All refund requests are processed in a sequential format. Once you have provided our customer service agent with your cancellation request, we will then send you an email notification that your request has been received. This notification does not automatically qualify you for a refund. This only provides you with an acknowledgement of your request and provides you with a tracking number. Upon receipt of your request we will work with the suppliers such as airlines, hotels, car-rental companies to generate a waiver based on airline and other supplier rules and notify you of the supplier decision. Our services fees associated with the original travel reservation or booking are not refundable. Please note that we are dependent on the suppliers for receiving the requested refunds.
Once the refund has been approved by the supplier it may take additional time for this to appear on your credit card statement. Generally, all suppliers will charge a penalty for refund. The amount will be refunded via same source. This entire process may take 4 to 6 weeks from receipt of your request to receiving credit on your statement. Apart from the airlines and other suppliers refund penalties, Shipra travels will charge a fee for processing this $50-$300. All refund fees are charged on per ticket per person basis. These fees will only be assessed if a refund has been authorised by the supplier or a waiver has been received and when the airline/supplier rules permit such refunds. If such refund is not processed by the supplier, we will refund you our fees that may have been charged to you for such refund processing, but not our previously charged service fees for the original travel reservation or booking.