Planning for a trip to Mussoorie? Curious to know about the Mussoorie weather forecast? We have your back.
Fri, February 21
UV Index
Chance of Rain
Wind Speed
Lying at an altitude of 2000 metres (6561.68 feet), Mussoorie hill station is a cold destination with temperatures between -2°C and 12°C i.e. 28.4°F and 53.6°F. The coldest month of January experiences a temperature drop of up to -4°C. While the climate of Mussoorie is hot, the declared summer months are April and June when the temperature goes up to 38°C. Usually, it stays between 11°C and 36°C. Mussoorie receives heavy rainfall in the months of July and September.
If visiting Mussoorie is on your mind, understanding the climate and weather can help you plan your trip better. The Mussoorie weather forecast shared by Myticketstoindia gives you the liberty to keep your outfits and undertake activities accordingly to have a funfull time!
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Mussoorie (मसूरी),Uttarakhand on Map
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